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Audio: Parliament Q&A On Coronavirus

Following the Minister of Health Kim Wilson’s statement on the coronavirus preparations, the Minister answered various questions, with the Minister stating that the Government is “actively looking at a particular thermal scanner and acquiring such a scanner for our ports of entry.”

In replying to questions, Minister Wilson said, “I can say that the Ministry of Health is exploring all avenues as it relates to prevention. Included in that particular area and avenues, so to speak, is the investigation of the temperature systems, whether or not it’s the handheld one or one that you walk through.

Minister Kim Wilson On Thermal Scanner

“We are exploring all that. In fact, we have a meeting tomorrow with a potential vendor and have also sourced vendors that can provide that particular mechanism.

“Which mechanism is utilized, I can’t speak to at this point, but we are in the process currently of actively looking at a particular thermal scanner and acquiring such a scanner for our ports of entry. So that is actually an active pursuit.”

45-Minute Extract From Parliament With The Q&A On Coronavirus:

