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Imported, Local Transmission, Under Investigation

55% of total confirmed Covid-19 cases to date are some form “local transmission,” 29% of cases were imported, while 16% are currently “under investigation.”

This is according to the latest statistics released by the Government, which indicate that 51% [246 cases] of the cases were classified as “local transmission, known contact/source,” 29% [139] were imported, 4% [21] of the cases were “local transmission unknown contact/source” and 16% [79] are under investigation.

As of this writing, the island has recorded 485 total confirmed positive cases to date — with the first cases confirmed back in March 2020 — with 221 currently active cases.

“As investigations proceed, transmission categories may change. The seven-day average of our real time reproduction number is (1.85) and Bermuda’s current country status is “Clusters of Cases,” the Ministry noted last night.

Charts showing statistics with the data valid as of December 16th, 2020:

