According to data from New York Times, Bermuda is currently ranked third as far as the most Covid-19 cases per 100,000 residents in the last seven days, while the latest data from Worldometers ranks the Island fourth in cases per million residents in the last seven days.
These unenviable rankings come as the island is experiencing another spike in cases, with the latest statistics indicating there are more than 600 active cases, and unfortunately 28 people are in hospital. Bermuda also currently ranks fifth in the world for testing per capita after having completed almost 1/2 million total Covid-19 tests to date.
“If this outbreak continues to spread at this rate, the consequences are dire,” said Kim Wilson, Minister of Health in the last statement releasing test results.
“We know that the less mixing and movement there is in the community, the less the virus will spread. We would rather not increase restrictions as the reality is that Bermuda cannot afford to go back into lockdown. However, it depends on all of us taking responsibility for our own actions. I would encourage all persons for the next 2 weeks to minimise their movements and keep to their family bubbles.”
“At the risk of sounding like a broken record, everyone must follow all Public Health Regulations and guidance and take measures to ensure that they protect themselves and their family from exposure to the coronavirus.”
“Stay at least 6 feet away from people who don’t live with you. Masks must be worn indoors, except when eating or drinking. Wear a mask outdoors if physical distancing is not possible or if it is a crowded place. Do not touch your face or cough or sneeze in your hands. Sanitise your hands before touching shared utensils at family gatherings. Wash hands or use hand sanitiser thoroughly and frequently.”
The New York Times said, “This table is sorted by places with the most cases per 100,000 residents in the last seven days. Charts show change in daily averages and are each on their own scale.