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Clearwater To Be Deep Cleaned Over Two Days

Clearwater Middle School opened this morning [Nov 30] and there were 23 students and 15 staff present, Minister of Education Diallo Rabain said, with the Minister adding that the school will be deep cleaned on Tuesday and Wednesday, so “staff and students will not be able to enter the building on these two days.”

Speaking at this evening’s press conference, Minister Rabain said, “In the case of Clearwater Middle School, the initial report was that one person, a non-teaching staff, had tested positive, but the school could open today; and an assessment would take place. Last night, I released a press statement and video explaining this information.

25 minute video of today’s press conference

“The school did open this morning and there were 23 students and 15 staff present. After students and staff had been on site for over two hours, the Department of Health gave instructions for staff and students to exit the premises so that deep cleaning could take place. The Department of Health has reported that this is the current status of the school,” the Minister said.

“As shared previously, in the event of potential Covid-19 exposure, classrooms and any affected areas are deep cleaned and inspected before students and staff are allowed back into the building. The Department of Education’s Facilities team will coordinate the deep cleaning of the Clearwater facilities.

“A meeting took place at the school today to discuss the deep cleaning plan; and deep cleaning will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday. This will mean that staff and students will not be able to enter the building on these two days.

“The Principal will communicate to parents at a meeting planned for tonight at 8:30pm, the process for distributing learning packets to students.

“The Department of Health will determine whether any additional action is to be taken and then we will advise our parents, teachers, and staff of the date for Clearwater Middle school to reopen,” the Minister added.

Speaking on other schools, the Minister noted that Dellwood Middle School students, parents, and staff have been asked to quarantine, so teachers and students will transition to a remote learning schedule on Wednesday, December 2nd.

He added that St George’ Preparatory staff and P2 students who were under quarantine returned to school today, students and teachers at West End Primary’s P5 also returned to school today, and the Department of Health also gave clearance for students in the ASD Programme at Paget Primary and the staff to return to work today.

